Well I've done what I was planning to get done. Go to the school and eat something :P I also duplicated the pace were the tusks come out and merged them. Merged the head to the body and defined the neck's structure and then made the trunk. I wasn't quite sure if I should have the trunk hanging down or strieght out for better rigging. I went with hanging down cause it looks better and fallowed my drawing.
Below I have added close ups on the head, since that was may main focus for this hour and then shots of the hole figure.

As said before I'll be spending my last three hours on detailing and making the jewlary, which made me think do you know any good tuts on cloth? I'm going to spend some time looking for open and practising to see if it will work. Otherwise I'll just model the cloth and fudge the deformations as best as I can when it comes time to pose the character.